Wednesday, June 29, 2016

My Environment

Here are the technologies I'm using to create my first Unity game:

- Unity 5.   I chose this because of the plethora of information available and great tutorials everywhere.   I also especially appreciate the company and their goals: "the democratization of game development".

- Visual Studio 2015 -- I went back and forth between this and MonoDevelop, which is the other editor that comes bundled with Unity.  This won out because of it's support, maturity, features, and comfort level for me.    I was a .NET developer in a previous life, so this just made sense.  I'm doing my development in Unity exclusively in C#.

- SQLite database -- this holds all of my card details from generating new cards from scratch, to saving Decks full of cards and more.   I use a firefox addon called "SQLite Manager" to manage my database in a UI.

- SourceTree (Git) - this is my source control.  It took me a minute to set up and understand fully, but I feel pretty comfortable now pushing my code to the central server, and can even switch back and forth between my laptop and desktop PC with ease.  This goes for both the C# code and the Unity project (after some ".gitignore" fiddling).

- Gimp - very useful as an image editor, although for very minor things I still use MS Paint.

- Trello - used for issue tracking, worklist, and feature control.   I also have a list of completed items so I can look and see how far I've come (stay motivated).

- Artwork - mostly "borrowed" for now, to be replaced later once my game is nearing completion.

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